Mint your own ERC20 token

Mint your own ERC20 token

Distribute ERC20 tokens

Distribute tokens to other parties

Receive tokens to your MetaMask wallet

Receive tokens to your private wallet

How much does it cost?

Pay a one-time fee to mint your ERC-20 tokens instantly

Network Price
Ethereum Mainnet 0.03 ETH
Polygon Mainnet 100 POL
Binance Smart Chain (BSC) 0.1 BNB
Base 0.005 ETH
Arbitrum One 0.005 ETH
Ethereum Sepolia 0.01 ETH

“Customer service beyond my expectations. Highly recommended”

David Stanton, Founder/CEO (Zero carbon Solar mining)

“Seamless experience. I have full control over my tokens”

BLANK, Visual artist,
Creator of the “Invest In Artists” series

“A breath of fresh air. So lucky to have found you”

Erick Sabelskjold
VinxCoin, VIneyard Backed Assets

No code required

Mint your own ERC20 tokens with us and we take care of all the code automatically. It takes minutes to set up and you can try it for free on the Sepolia network, right now.

How do I receive my tokens?

Just connect your account and your tokens will be automatically transferred to your account when they're ready - which usually takes about 30 seconds. If you don’t have a wallet address, you can get one for free (we recommend MetaMask).

How do I get help?

Email us at [email protected] or message us on Telegram to get answers to your questions. Our support team will be happy to help you with any questions you might have.

Smart contracts without the hassle

We create ERC20 crypto tokens to your specification. Choose your token symbol and quantity, and we'll do the rest.

How long does it take?

Usually a few minutes. Choose your token parameters, deploy the contract, mint the tokens and they'll be automatically sent to your wallet.

Can I use any wallet?

Yes - as long as it supports the ERC20 token standard. MetaMask, Trust Wallet and plenty of others will work perfectly. ERC20 is the most commonly used token standard in use today.

Can I sell my tokens?

Yes. After minting, your tokens will be immediately available to you and can be offered for sale on most decentralised exchanges immediately.

About our ERC20 Tokens

We use industry standard open-source smart contracts from OpenZeppelin which have been tested for reliability and security.

All ERC20 tokens minted with are hard capped initially. That means a fixed, known limit is applied to the total supply of each type of token and enforced in the contract when minted. However, as the token owner, you retain the ability to adjust this cap later if needed. When you create tokens with, the initial total number of tokens is chosen by you, and you control how many of your tokens exist at any given time.
We mint the entire allocation in a single transaction and transfer them to you automatically once they've been minted. We'll send your tokens to the MetaMask wallet that you used to mint them.

After you have taken ownership, you can distribute them, safe in the knowledge that TokenMaker cannot create more of your specific tokens without your intervention, as the supply management remains under your control.
Mint your token on Ethereum

Ready to make something awesome? Try it for free.

We create ERC20 crypto tokens to your specification. You can try it for free on the Ethereum Sepolia network and take ownership into your crypto wallet. Once you're ready to go live, your token can be deployed to any one of our supported networks, including Ethereum Mainnet, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and more.